Mr. Tew, You were my teacher some years ago.My nephew works at Auburn university. David Royer and his wife Natalie. He is interested in starting beekeeping. Russ Young Rochester, MN. 5072618019
I attended the bee class you gave in Thomasville last Oct 2012 and enjoyed it very much.
I have lost several colonies from hive beetles this year and have been wondering if any research has been done using a pheromone trap like is used an other insects.
I haven’t heard anything about so far and as big a problem as hive beetles are especially in the south if it could be done it would solve a major problem.
Hive beetles seem to be more of a problem than mites now.
Mr. Haskew, I apologize for the long delay. I had some “user error” issues and overlooked several messages. Unfortunately, yours was one of them. And after all this time, I am also sorry to say that I don’t know of any pending pheromone product for the small hive beetle. Hive beetles are a common problem but so far not common enough to garner significant funding. It would appear to me that beekeepers are currently working out management schemes more than the scientific community.
Please stay in touch. I apologize for missing your message.
Mr. Tew, You were my teacher some years ago.My nephew works at Auburn university. David Royer and his wife Natalie. He is interested in starting beekeeping. Russ Young Rochester, MN. 5072618019
Dear Russ, I have spent much of the day apologizing for lost messages that I recently found.
I have sent a message to an Individual named Royer at Auburn to see if he is still interested. Again Sorry.
Hello Jim,
I attended the bee class you gave in Thomasville last Oct 2012 and enjoyed it very much.
I have lost several colonies from hive beetles this year and have been wondering if any research has been done using a pheromone trap like is used an other insects.
I haven’t heard anything about so far and as big a problem as hive beetles are especially in the south if it could be done it would solve a major problem.
Hive beetles seem to be more of a problem than mites now.
bobby haskew
Mr. Haskew, I apologize for the long delay. I had some “user error” issues and overlooked several messages. Unfortunately, yours was one of them. And after all this time, I am also sorry to say that I don’t know of any pending pheromone product for the small hive beetle. Hive beetles are a common problem but so far not common enough to garner significant funding. It would appear to me that beekeepers are currently working out management schemes more than the scientific community.
Please stay in touch. I apologize for missing your message.