It was 17 F last night. Presently about 25 F. Yet about a dozen dandelions are in bloom in my yard. Absolutely no hope of insect pollination. Do these plants have a plan or will nature remove them from the gene pool?
Category Archives: General Comments and Discussions
(Apparently) the USDA NASS Bee and Honey Report is Re-instated
It has been reported that funding for the the USDA NASS Bee and Honey Report has been recommitted. For full details, see: Annual Bee and Honey Report
The Fall Issue of the Alabama BeeLine now available
The Fall issue of the Alabama Beeline is now electronically available. This newsletter will be published quarterly. While primarily intended for Alabama beekeepers, much of the material contained will be suitable for beekeepers far beyond Alabama.
For a free HD download, visit: Alabama Beeline – Fall, 2011
A Useful Beekeeping Web Resource
The AgNIC Bees and Pollination resource is The Ohio State University’s contribution to the Agriculture Network Information Center (AgNIC) project project coordinated by the National Agricultural Library, USDA.
This is a diversified and comprehensive information source that contains both archival and current information and stores reliable, freely-available, evaluated, digital content and quality services related to bees and pollination. This is a significant information resource.