Maples are in bloom in the Mid West. The flowers are not much to look at. Is it odd to say that it’s my favorite flower? Certainly my bees look forward to their blooming. It’s time to get ready for spring. I love seeing this blossom each year.

I would appreciate any information and testimonials anyone might have related to new equipment offerings in the catalogs or that you may have constructed yourselves. I am presenting a discussion this upcoming Saturday on “New but useful equipment”. I could use some help.
I have posted a PDF file of my presentation, Robbing Behavior of Honey Bees for those interested in the subject.
After a (very) fast two weeks, my wife and I are once again home in Ohio. It will take many months to digest all the experiences, events, photos, and memories. To all the people who helped us find our way around the two countries and to the individuals who hosted us, we can only offer a humble thanks. It was a beautiful experience. (We saw some beehives, too, but I will talk about that later.)